Who am I? A few factoids:
– I’m a single mama to a wonderful 10 year old girl.
– After my divorce, I went back to school for my Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management. Graduate Class of 2009 at 37!
– I love staying busy. I don’t think I know the meaning of “free time”
What do I love?
– Being a mom. Wouldn’t trade it for anything!
– My girl! Family and friends!
– Listening to Music and Dancing
– Reading
– Latte’s! Gotta have that caffeine!
– Chocolate. Try taking that away and you may lose a hand, lol!

A funny fact about my name. I spelled my nickname Jackie until I was about 22. I then got tired of telemarketers asking for “Mr. Jackie”. Figured if they couldn’t tell that Jacqui was a female, they didn’t need to contact me 🙂
My Addictions:
– Chocolate! See above.
– My Blackberry.
– Anything technology. I am a tech junkie! See #2, my iPod and Kindle as well
Where am I going?
– On my personal side, I have no idea, but I am looking forward to the ride!
– On the business front, I hope to expand what I am doing and work with companies to expand on their Brand. If you are interested in working with me, please feel free to contact me at singleparentretreat@gmail.com
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and getting to know me. I am an open book for the most part, lol. If you have any questions, let me know!